Event venues play a pivotal role in any event and have a significant influence on the future of the industry and its creativity and potential. Venues that embrace and support sustainability are key leaders in unlocking a more environmentally conscious and innovative industry overall.

Venues that commit to eco-friendly initiatives not only contribute to a healthier planet but also set a positive example for attendees, vendors, and the wider community. By adopting sustainable practices, venues can significantly reduce their carbon footprint, conserve resources, and minimize waste. Beyond the environmental benefits, the positive impact extends to fostering a culture of awareness and responsibility, inspiring individuals and businesses alike to embrace sustainable practices in their daily lives.

Ultimately, the collective efforts of event venues toward sustainability are the foundation for positive change, showcasing that hosting memorable events can coexist with a commitment to preserving our planet for future generations.


Here are four areas that event venues can focus on to enhance their sustainability efforts:

  • Venues can implement energy-efficient technologies, such as LED lighting and smart HVAC systems, to reduce overall energy consumption.

    Explore renewable energy sources like solar panels to generate clean energy on-site. Connect with us on for an Energy Smart audit to see if you’re eligible for grants or rebates.

  • By establishing comprehensive waste separation and recycling programs in venues can minimize landfill waste.

    Bringing in organics composting recycling can be the most impactful ways a venue can reduce carbon footprint and save money on trash pickups. Connect with us for business recycling grant opportunities for your venue.

  • Many venues replace disposable single-use items with reusables, such as glasses and cloth napkins that can be washed instead of thrown away.

    Additionally, offering a food rescue and recovery option for your caterers and event planners. Read about our Meal Connect Program and support food donation options at your venue!

  • The most attainable practice venues can implement is sourcing sustainable materials and vendors. Whether it’s local suppliers or environmentally conscious producers, venues can source seasonal food, natural soap, nontoxic cleaners, and other local vendors for their business needs.

Join the Collective

Venues across Minneapolis St Paul are coming together to build a sustainable future.

Composting 101

Organics recycling can be incredibly impactful at any venue space, but what is compostable?

• Fruits and vegetables
• Meat, fish and bones
• Dairy products
• Eggs and egg shells
• Pasta, beans and rice
• Bread and cereal
• Nuts and shells


Certified Compostable Products

•Compostable paper and plastic cups, plates, bowls, utensils and containers

Look for the term “compostable” or
the BPI logo on certified products

Paper & Natural

• Pizza boxes from delivery
• Napkins and paper towels
• Paper egg cartons
• Wooden skewers + picks
• Bamboo sample spoons
• Natural corks